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Season Underway!

April 6, 2021

Both Sharks teams kicked off their campaigns over the weekend in wonderful April weather amid a backdrop of sakura trees. Both teams are yet to get a win on the board, but took plenty of positives from the opening day and are confident we will get better as the season moves ahead. [Neel]

Training Goes Well

March 17, 2021

A very hisashiburi return to the Akai nets allowed a handful of of Sharks to clear the cobwebs with a solid 3 hour session. Highlights included Ajeet’s very tidy batting, Marcus’ bullet tweakers and Hamid’s seam up assortment. Best of the lot – Seeing Dave back in Sharks kit. [Anton]

Welcome to Neel, our new Webmaster

February 11, 2021

This year we are very fortunate to have Neel at the controls of the website. He’ll be maintaining what is good and changing what isn’t. Thanks again Neel! [Anton]

Sign Up For September / October

September 5, 2020

Our sign ups for the business end of the season are currently up in the Forum. The Japan Cup is effectively over but the 1st XI need a good run to make the Semis and the 2nds need a miracle just to survive! [Anton]

August Sign Ups Available

July 18, 2020

The Season seems to be spluttering into life but who knows how long it might last. All of the sign ups for our August games are up in the Forum so help the Selectors by showing availability as early as possible. [Anton]

Thanks CT and MT

July 4, 2020

Appreciation goes to our first umpiring pair of the year, Thurgates Marcus and Chris. They took the long ride up to SICG to watch the teams valiantly try to soak up a lake with a couple of sponges but it wasn’t to be. Match cancelled. Many thanks anyway guys. [Anton]

2020 Season Finally Starts…then stops

July 4, 2020

The 2020 Season struggled to get going in the rain today. Fortunately we weren’t playing as some games were washed out. However recent rises in Tokyo Covid numbers means cricket is suspended again. We have to be patient. [Anton]

July Restart Looking Likely

June 13, 2020

Word on the grapevine is that the Japanese Cricket Season will start again around the beginning of July. The season will be slightly reduced (as will JA fees) but we should still be able to get a lot of games in. Confirmation coming soon. [Anton]

April Cricket Cancelled

March 25, 2020

The Coronavirus continues to cause upheaval and cricket is not immune. In the interests of everyone’s health the JCA has cancelled/postponed all matches in April. We’ll get a May update in a few weeks time. [Anton]

Better Safe than Sorry

March 18, 2020

Due to concerns over any kind of large gatherings in the coronavirus outbreak we have decided to cancel our T20 friendlies with the Tokyo Rhinos on the 29th March. Hopefully the regular season will still go ahead but we’ve had no news as yet. [Anton]

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